How Do I ?
How Do I ...?
Rochester is home to several large foreclosure and collection Law Firms.
In many cases time is of the essence in getting them served to fight an action again you or your client.
If you ask yourself how do I (insert your question here)?, you have come to the right place. Just call us and we'll take care of anything related to serving your documents. As Professional Process Server, we have served them all over the past 40 years.
If you have an Order, Subpoena, Answer, or any other pleading that needs to get there fast, we can do it the same day we receive it and produce your affidavit for quick filing.
Same day service is available. Use our quick upload form to submit your documents. We will respond within a few minutes of receipt so you know your documents are in our hands and heading to the end target.
Here are a few of the common firms and business we commonly serve in Rochester New York:
Shapiro DiCaro & Barak
Woods Oviatt LLP
Harris Beach PLLC
Lacy Katzen LLP
Relin Goldstein & Crane LLP
Davidson Fink
Dutcher Zatkowsky
University of Rochester
All Local Banks and Federal Credit Unions
Rochester Regional Health
Unity Health
Excellus BCBS
Borg & Ide Imaging
Wegmans Food Markets
Xerox Corp
Erie Insurance
Monro Muffler
Constellation Brands